Hepatic-, renal-, thyroid-, and androgen response to a low energy diet over a 6-month period in insulin-treated obese men with Type 2 diabetes: A pilot RCT
Hepatic response to semi-starvation during the first 10 days of a low-energy diet in insulin-treated obese men with Type 2 diabetes: A pilot RCT

- These studies prove that CSN is indeed a Drastic Fat Loss program. One group of men were assigned to the CSN Intervention group, as opposed to the Control group that followed a standard calorie controlled, Low-GI diet plan. The CSN group lost six-and-a-half times more weight than the Control group.
- This was partially due to the fact that the CSN group presented with an increase in the Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone of 40% and 21.25% respectively in the first 6 months. In contrast to this the Control group had a 27.33% lower Total testosterone, as well as a 14.5% lower Free testosterone levels, in the same period of time. This finding is significant seeing that sub-optimal levels of testosterone may cause mood disturbances, increased body fat, and loss of muscle mass.
- Another highlight of the study was the psychological effect the weight loss had on each of these groups. As far as Quality Of Life goes, the CSN group reported a 49.9% higher level, as compared to the Intervention group’s 17.11%. Quality Of Life includes the evaluation of physical function, self-esteem, sexual life, public- and work distress.
- We are also proud to have published a study supporting the safety of following the CSN Program for a short- and long period of time. Above and beyond that the study showed a significant improvement in the HSI (Hepatic Steatosis Index). This index is a method to assess the severity of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver disease). In the CSN group, the median HSI improved significantly after 3 and 6 months and was also significantly lower at both time points in the intervention group, as compared to controls.